Saturday, April 25, 2020

Zumspot Duplex Hat - Hotspot Project

For my next hotspot project I've decided to build a Zumspot duplex hotspot.  I wanted to mount the radio hat on a Pi 3B+ plus board but I can't find the proper case for it.   I may have to settle for the a pi zero board.  C4 labs makes the correct case for this. 

Hytera ar482g programming issue

I own an ar482g. I was under the impression due to the brochure that the radio has a 256 channel capacity.  In my cps yesterday I got to 128 and the software will not allow for any more channels.  Any help/ideas?

04/28/2020 - I have learned that the radio comes with a max of 256 channels but it splits the 256 to a max of 128 dmr and 128 analog. 

My latest project - DSTAR DVAP on Pi-Star

I was wanting to build a raspberry pi based DSTAR access point using a old DVAP device. I searched online for instructions explaining how...