Saturday, April 25, 2020

Zumspot Duplex Hat - Hotspot Project

For my next hotspot project I've decided to build a Zumspot duplex hotspot.  I wanted to mount the radio hat on a Pi 3B+ plus board but I can't find the proper case for it.   I may have to settle for the a pi zero board.  C4 labs makes the correct case for this. 

Hytera ar482g programming issue

I own an ar482g. I was under the impression due to the brochure that the radio has a 256 channel capacity.  In my cps yesterday I got to 128 and the software will not allow for any more channels.  Any help/ideas?

04/28/2020 - I have learned that the radio comes with a max of 256 channels but it splits the 256 to a max of 128 dmr and 128 analog. 

TGIF 1033 Scanner Junkies Update

Function Number Status TGIF DMR Talkgroup 1033 Active Allstar Hub 528620 Active Hamshack Hotline Allstar Link 94066 Active Echolink Link N4V...